

Hi! I’m Bec Sands, a visibility mentor for women in business. 

I work with women to become confidently visible so that they can put life-changing work out into the world. I help women unlock their creativity and uniqueness to attract more clients and opportunities.

My superpower is helping women feel confident and clear about the next steps to increase their visibility and grow their businesses through strategic action. Having spent 15 years as a PR consultant, working with some of the world’s biggest brands and executives, I am an experienced coach and consultant and an ex-corporate leader, and infuse my work as a mentor with kindness and positivity to help my clients flourish. 

But best of all - I get to work for myself, living near the beach in sunny Newcastle, just north of Sydney, Australia; I choose my own schedule and work on my projects of choice; I have the most magical weeks working with clients that I absolutely adore working with; AND I’ve scaled my income beyond what I could ever have earned in my corporate niche of PR and communications. I also spend less hours working every day than I did when I worked full-time, and can scale and flex the work I do depending on what else I have going on in my life. My work fits my lifestyle, rather than my lifestyle fitting around work. 

However, this hasn’t always been the case. 

I started on my business journey on the side when I was still in corporate, feeling uninspired and knowing that I wanted more than my career had to offer. Although my career scaled to new heights in leadership positions, how I felt inside was not a reflection of how I wanted my life to be. I ended up with burnout, a whole host of health issues, anxiety, less-than-desirable coping strategies such as social media scrolling, overworking, and generally allowing my inner critic to tell myself I wasn’t good enough on a daily basis (and listening to her, letting her call the shots)… 

Although I appeared confident and put together on the outside, inside I knew that something wasn’t quite right and that I wanted something different for my time on earth than the constant hustle and grind for a paycheque. 

I wanted to…

  • Create new products and services that helped other people

  • Scale and earn more than I needed so I could not only support myself and my family, but also support my clients and others through the work I do in the world

  • Feel purposeful, appreciated and valued in the work that I spent my time on every day

  • Choose the people I spent time with and have the freedom to make that call 

  • Enjoy my lifestyle rather than feeling like I was in a constant, neverending hustle

I’ve been able to create all of this for myself, and more. And now, I’d love to support you to do the same. Click here to find out about my 1:1 Coaching, Profit, Purpose & Lifestyle for Ex-Corporate Women. 

I also have a few credentials to support you…

I’ve spent 15 years in PR, marketing and communications, working with some of the world’s biggest brands, executives and entrepreneurs. I hold a Bachelor of Media in Writing from Macquarie University, majoring in PR and journalism, and am a
Certified Beautiful You Coaching Academy life coach, an approved education provider with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) - global leaders of coach education. In 2023, I was named a finalist by BYCA for their Emerging Coach of the Year award and a finalist as Career / Professional / Corporate Coach of the Decade 2014-2024.

Bec supported me to find clarity, hone in on my next career step, and to bring this to life, stepping out of corporate and launching my health coaching business.

I would highly recommend a coaching series with Bec for any professional women looking to find clarity, build confidence and take their careers to the next level or launch service-based businesses.



I had an idea for a new business which had been sitting in the back of my mind for years, and Bec enabled me in bring to life.


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