The one question that can help you to solve any problem — Bec Sands
The one question that can help you to solve any problem

The one question that can help you to solve any problem

There is one question that can help you to solve ANY problem.

It’s a question that has been popping up for me time and time again recently, and I felt called to share it with you.

The question is:


This one question can enable to you:

Overcome limiting beliefs and negative patterns of thinking

Stop you from living in the past or future-tripping

Find a solution when none seemed obvious

Create massive shifts in your life

Create a more positive mindset

Find new ways of doing things that you’d never thought of

Generate solutions to problems that once seemed insurmountable

Take responsibility for your life and become proactive in making changes

Right now, I am working on simplifying everything in order to create momentum towards my goals.

It’s super easy to stay stuck in overwhelm when looking at the bigger goal, or to continuously distract ourselves with ‘busy’ tasks rather than actually moving the needle forward on the things that truly matter.

The excuse that there’s not enough time is often just a fear that what we don’t won’t be good enough. So: I have asked myself, what will keep me out of overwhelm and help me to create consistent action and momentum towards my goals?


The answer that I came up with is to simplify. Streamline. Remove anything that doesn’t need to be there. Focus on doing one thing at a time. Create consistent action – even if it’s 20 minutes every day.

Commit to the action and as one task is completed, the next move appears.

Enjoy the journey.

So, beautiful – how can you think differently about the things that are stopping you from achieving your goals?

I’d love you to get out your journal and answer the following:

What is one goal that I’m working towards at the moment? (Less is better! Think laser-sharp focus rather than having 10 different goals and going into overwhelm)

What is stopping me from taking consistent action towards this goal? (These could be excuses – e.g. lack of time / resources, or it could be that things have just come up that you didn’t expect that have prevented you from moving forward, or that you feel overwhelmed. Jot all of these reasons down)

How can I think differently about these reasons?

What is one action that I can take RIGHT NOW that will move me closer to this goal? What is one action that I can start to take consistently from today (even if it’s five minutes a day)? Remember, the tiniest actions can add up to massive achievement

How can I streamline things to ensure that I make the space to get this done? Where can I create space in my day to do the consistent ACTIONS that it will take for me to achieve this goal?

I’d love to hear from you below – how will you think differently about the excuses or limiting stories stopping you from achieving your goals?

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