All in Career

How to land and retain consulting clients for years

One of the biggest hesitations that my clients have faced before stepping out of corporate and becoming consultants is around income security. It makes complete sense: why leave something that feels secure for something that doesn’t feel so secure?

The answer: freedom. (Time, financial, location, creative freedom). And, of course, JOY.

In this livestream replay I discuss how to land and retain consulting clients for years so you can make all of this happen for yourself!

Is it too late to become a consultant?

I don’t know about you, but my inner critic has often come up throughout my life and given me ALL the excuses for why I can’t do something. I’m either too young, or too old. Too smart, or not smart enough. Too short, or too tall.

These are ALL just stories. They are not the truth.

And when it comes to making a much-needed change in your career: it’s NEVER too late. In this livestream replay, I discuss why it’s never too late to become a consultant (AND what you can build from there!)

5 big leaps I've made which helped me create career + business success

There are FIVE really key massive leaps I've taken BEFORE feeling ready that have helped me to create career and now business success.

By success - I mean consistent, six-figure revenue; working my way up into leadership positions; and getting referred in my industry and to potential clients time and time again.

In this livestream replay I'm going to share what they were so that if you're on the fence about making a leap, you can take inspiration from this! I'll be livestreaming you from my beautiful hotel in Queenstown, New Zealand!

What my weeks look like as a coach + consultant

Are you curious about what life looks like as an online coach and consultant?

I used to be as well – and I found it hard to visualise personally back when I was in my corporate days. I spent 12 years in PR and communications. I’ve been in business for myself as a coach and consultant for more than three years now, and I’ve gotten into an incredible rhythm that really works for me.

In this livestream replay, I'll talk through exactly what my life looks like now on an average week, the types of support I have in my business and life, and how YOU can create that too.

How the personal brand is evolving + my beliefs about creating a personal brand

Up until probably the last decade or so, having a personal brand was considered something only relevant for celebrities, CEOs, and media personalities.

Today, whether you’re building a corporate career or a business, having a personal brand is The Differentiating Factor that is going to land you those opportunities or clients.

In this livestream replay, I talk you through how the personal brand is evolving and my beliefs about creating a personal brand.